Namespaces | Macros | Typedefs
base.h File Reference

Topology object basis class for mesh creating implementation module. More...

#include "utilities/macros/debug_memory_hook.h"
#include "utilities/macros/assert.h"
#include "utilities/macros/throw_if_failed.h"
#include "utilities/memory/smart_ptr.h"
#include "utilities/string/fixed_string.h"
#include "utilities/string/string_id.h"
#include "utilities/event/event_dispatcher.h"
#include "core/application/log.h"

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namespace  scl


#define SCL_BIND_EVENT_FN(fn)   [this](auto&&... args) -> decltype(auto) { return this->fn(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...); }


using scl::degrees = math::degrees< float >
using scl::radians = math::radians< float >
using scl::vec2 = math::vec2< float >
using scl::vec3 = math::vec3< float >
using scl::vec4 = math::vec4< float >
using scl::ivec2 = math::vec2< int >
using scl::ivec3 = math::vec3< int >
using scl::ivec4 = math::vec4< int >
using scl::uvec2 = math::vec2< u32 >
using scl::uvec3 = math::vec3< u32 >
using scl::uvec4 = math::vec4< u32 >
using scl::matr3 = math::matr3< float >
using scl::matr3_data = math::matr3_data< float >
using scl::matr4 = math::matr4< float >
using scl::matr4_data = math::matr4_data< float >
using scl::window_handle = int

Detailed Description

Topology object basis class for mesh creating implementation module.

Sabitov Kirill
29 June 2022

Definition in file base.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SCL_BIND_EVENT_FN (   fn)    [this](auto&&... args) -> decltype(auto) { return this->fn(std::forward<decltype(args)>(args)...); }

Disable C4151 due to the fact that it is supposed to compile all projects with one compiler, and becaouse of that, side effects will be absent.

Common Utilities.

Definition at line 29 of file base.h.