▼ core | |
► application | |
application.cpp | |
application.h |
entry_point.h | Sculpto library entry point definition module |
input.cpp | |
input.h | Abstract, platform independent input system definition mpdule |
input_keycodes.h | |
layer.h | Base abstract application layer class definition module. Layers are stored in stack. Updated one by one, ordered by time of pushing to stack |
layers_stack.cpp | Application layers stack implemetation module |
layers_stack.h | Application layers stack class definition module |
log.cpp | Logging system implementation module |
log.h | Logging system definition module |
platform_detection.h | |
timer.cpp | |
timer.h | Timer, calculating interframe deltatime and fps class implementation module |
window.cpp | Abstract, platform independent class implementation module |
window.h | Abstract, platform independent class definition module |
► components | |
► lights | |
directional_light_component.h | Directional light component class implementation module |
point_light_component.h | Point light component class implementation module |
spot_light_component.h | Spot light component class implementation module |
camera_component.h | Application scene system object camera component class implementation module |
components.h | Application scene objects system components include module |
mesh_component.h | Application scene system object mesh component class implementation module |
name_component.h |
native_script_component.h | Application scene system object native script component class implementation module |
transform_component.h | Application scene system objects transform component class implementation module |
► events | |
close_event.h | |
events.h | Events include module |
keyboard_event.h | Keyboard action (key pressed, key hold, key up) event implementation module |
mouse_event.h | Mouse actions events (buttons click, move, wheel) events implementation module |
vieport_resize_event.h | |
► gui | |
► windows | |
application_config_window.cpp | Application configuration GUI window class implementation module |
application_config_window.h | Application configuration GUI window class definition module |
profiller_window.cpp | Application profiller GUI window class implementation module |
profiller_window.h | Application profiller GUI window class definition module |
scene_config_window.cpp | Scene configuration GUI window class definition module |
scene_config_window.h | Scene configuration GUI window class definition module |
scene_hierarchy_window.cpp | Scene hierarchy GUI window class implementation module |
scene_hierarchy_window.h | |
scene_object_config_window.cpp | Scene object components configuration GUI window class implementation module |
scene_object_config_window.h | Scene object components configuration GUI window class declaration module |
viewport_window.cpp | |
viewport_window.h | |
gui.cpp | Application graphics user interface layer class implementation module. Handles user GUI events and widgets render |
gui.h | |
► render | |
► primitives | |
buffer.cpp | |
buffer.h | Buffer interfaces implementation module |
frame_buffer.cpp | |
frame_buffer.h | Frame buffer interface implementation module |
render_primitive.h | Render primitive abstract class definition module |
shader.cpp | Shader program interface definition module |
shader.h | Shader program interface definition module |
texture.cpp | Texture interface implementation module |
texture.h | Texture interface definition module |
vertex_array.cpp | |
vertex_array.h | Vertex array interfaces implementation module |
render_bridge.cpp | |
render_bridge.h | Render bridge class implementation module. Static class for making calls to low-level render api, bridge between application high and low level rendering systems |
render_context.cpp | |
render_context.h | Base, abstract, backend render api independent render context class implementation module |
render_pipeline.h | |
Renderer.cpp | |
Renderer.h | Static hich-level renderer class implementation module. Implements objects rendering functions via render_pass_submission queue |
► resources | |
► materials | |
material.h | Mesh material class deinition module |
material_phong.h | Mesh material for bling-phone lighting model class deinition module |
material_single_color.h | |
► topology | |
basis.h | |
cone.cpp | Topology cone object class implementation module |
cone.h | Topology cone object class definition module |
cube.cpp | Cube topology object class imlementation module |
cube.h | Topology cube object class declaration function |
full_screen_quad.cpp | |
full_screen_quad.h | Topology full screen quad object class implementation module |
grid.cpp | Topology grid object class definition module |
grid.h | Topology grid object class definition module |
plane.cpp | |
plane.h | Topology plane object class implementation module |
points.cpp | Topology objects points array (useful for creation dummy rendering object) class declaration module |
points.h | Topology objects points array (useful for creation dummy rendering object) class declaration module |
sphere.cpp | Topology sphere object class implementation class |
sphere.h | Topology sphere object class implementation module |
trimesh.cpp | Topology object triangles mesh class declaration module |
trimesh.h | Topology object triangles mesh class declaration module |
camera.cpp | Renderer virtual camer class implementation module |
camera.h | Renderer virtual camer class definiton module |
mesh.h | Mesh interfaces definition module. Mesh stores vertex and index buffer and implement their binding during render |
vertex.h | Vertex description and storage classes definition module |
► scene | |
scene.cpp | Scene class implementation module |
scene.h | Scene class defintion module |
scene_object.h | Application scene object class defintion module |
scene_object_behaviour.h | Application scene object behaviour class defintion module |
scene_serializer.cpp | Scene serialization class implemenation module |
scene_serializer.h | Scene serializer (also could perform deserialization) class definition module |
▼ platform | |
► directx | |
dx.h | |
► opengl | |
gl.cpp | OpenGL context implementation module |
gl.h | |
gl_buffer.cpp | Opengl buffer class implementation module |
gl_buffer.h | |
gl_built_in_objects.cpp | Sculpto library OpenGL specific rendering objects getting functions implementation module |
gl_frame_buffer.cpp | OpenGL frame buffer class implementation class |
gl_frame_buffer.h | OpenGL frame buffer class definition class |
gl_shader.cpp | OpenGL shader program class implementatino module |
gl_shader.h | OpenGL shader program class definition module |
gl_texture.cpp | OpenGL texture class implementation module |
gl_texture.h | OpenGL texture class definition module |
gl_vertex_array.cpp | |
gl_vertex_array.h | |
► windows | |
windows_input.cpp | Input window_handle realisation module |
windows_input.h | Input window_handle definition module |
windows_msg_crackers.cpp | Window class message crackers realisation module |
windows_window.cpp | |
windows_window.h | |
▼ utilities | |
► assets_manager | |
files_load.cpp | Assets manager file processing functions implementation module |
files_load.h | |
files_save.cpp | |
files_save.h | |
meshes_load.cpp | |
meshes_load.h | |
shaders_load.cpp | |
shaders_load.h | |
shaders_preprocessor.cpp | |
shaders_preprocessor.h | Assets manager shaders preprocessor class definition module |
textures_load.cpp | Assets manager texture load function defintion modulule |
textures_load.h | Assets manager texture load function defintion modulule |
► event | |
event.h | |
event_dispatcher.cpp |
event_dispatcher.h | Event dispatcher class implementation module |
► image | |
image.h | Image container class implementation module |
► logger | |
console_colors.h | Helper to setting color of text in console implementation module |
current_time.h | |
logger.cpp |
logger.h | Sculpto library logger implementation module |
► macros | |
assert.h | Assertion macros definition module |
debug_memory_hook.h | Debug memory allocation controll hook definition module. Reports unfreed memory, if any |
throw_if_failed.h | Helper throw if failed inline function implementation function. Commonly used in DirectX module |
► math | |
angle_measure.h | Angle measures types implementatino module |
math.h | Mathematical support include module |
math_common.h | |
matr3.h | |
matr4.h | Math 3x3 matrix implementation module |
vec2.h | Euclidean 2D vector implementation module |
vec3.h | Euclidean 3D vector implementation module |
vec4.h | Euclidean 4D vector implementation module |
► memory | |
memory_swap.h | Memory swap function implementation module |
smart_ptr.h | |
► string | |
fixed_string.h | Fixed ;ength string class implementation module. Useful for class templates |
split_string.h | Split string function implementation module |
string_id.h | String id generating by CRC32 algoritm implemetation module. Can be used both in compiletime anr runtime |
base.h | Topology object basis class for mesh creating implementation module |
sclpch.cpp | Sculpto library prehompiled header copilable |
sclpch.h | Sculpto library prehompiled header. Defines common definitions, includes commonly used modules |
sculpto.h | Sculpto based client applications aimed include module. Includes all library content |